Part time jobs in UK

Explore UK with Truematics

In UK there are abundant opportunities for part-time and holiday work. Students can undertake part-time work and are permitted to work up to 20 hours a week during term time and full time during holidays. International students are allowed to do part time jobs during study period

How to find part time jobs in uk:

Registering with the local agency
finding opportunity in university placement office
Referal from seniour students
Online job search portal
walkin to direct outlet like mcdonalds, kfc, etc

How much you can earn doing part time jobs in uk:

Most of the students earn somewhere around 6 - 10 pounds / hours. Roughly on an average most of the students earn around 400 pounds in a month. Student can do full time job during holidays. Usually during christmas time students earn even around 1200 pounds in a month.

Common place where indian students do part time jobs in uk:

Mc donalds
Royal post
Food court

To see full list of UK university- Click here

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